Full Archives, by Title (Click here to browse by date):
Note: A and The are included in the titles; research through these areas if looking for a specific entry.
A Healthy Theology of Healing by Phil Moore
Phil Moore's A Healthy Theology of Healing in an easy to read format.
A Letter Regarding Some Cessationist Ideologies
Thoughts on the cessationist's view, verses God's forever present truth, among a few other things.
A Midnight Friend and an Unjust Judge
Pray consistently, for God is longsuffering with us, and desires to answer our prayers.
A Permissive Tense? God Is Love so He Cannot Punish Directly?
Was Jesus "perfect theology" and are God's hands clean of all evil because of a "permissive tense" in the Hebrew?
A Personal Journey in Healing
My healing story and what the Bible says about it
A Review of Andy Stanley and The Grace of God
A review of Andy Stanley's book, The Grace of God. The book has a positive message but it is laced with Stanley's subtle insult to the importance and truth of God's Word.
A Somewhat Preterist Study of Matthew 24
A partial Preterist perspective of Matthew 24, as prepared for a home Bible study.
A Tare or a Wheat
What did Jesus say regarding the tares among the wheat?
God's view of ambition may be different than our own. Consider Jesus' response to the request of James and John.
Biblical Standards for Prophecy
Does the Bible agree with what some call prophecy today?
Daniel 9: The Historical, Non-Eschatological View
A study of Daniel 9: Eschatology or a beautiful prophecy fulfilled?
Decision Making and the Deceptions of our Hearts
Our hearts are deceitful. We need to be aware of this when making decisions.
Declare and Decree... Can you prove that?
Are we called to "declare and decree"?
Deity in the Gospel of John
A review of the Deity of Christ, as found in the Gospel of John.
Deity of Jesus and Personhood of the Spirit in the New World Translation
Several scripture parings from the NWT are reviewed, showing that even the NWT hasn't completely hidden the truth of Jesus' deity or the Holy Spirit's personhood and deity.
Each Other
A journal entry on the importance of unity and staying in prayer with and for your friends in Christ.
Effective Prayer
What does the Bible say about prayer? What are some Biblical reasons for prayer that appears unanswered?
Expanded study on the "Healed" of Isaiah 53:5
An in-depth study of the Hebrew word rapha' through the Old Testament.
Eyes Without and Within
Like God's creatures in Revelation, chapter 4, we need to look with eyes without and within.
Forty Years Ago Today
Amazing pro-life speech by Gianna Jessen at Queen's Hall Parliament House in Victoria, Australia
Have we Been Called to Maximize Our Strengths?
Have we been called to maximize our strengths, or does God choose to work through our weaknesses?
Healing? Yes!
Some thoughts on healing, and Proverbs 23:7.
Hobby Lobby and the Abortion Debate
A bit of science regarding pregnancy and abortion we need to realize in our ever continuing fight for life.
How to Misrepresent Scripture and Tickle Mens' Ears
A discussion on common false prosperity teachings, using examples from popular preachers.
What does God's word say about humility, and humbling ourselves?
If You Do Not Forgive Others Their Trespasses and the Message of Grace
How should we take Jesus when he says "but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Jesus is Jehovah
A scriptural review of the dual deity of God the Father and Jesus the Son
Jesus May Call Us His Friend, but We are Still His Servants
Are we best to think of ourselves as friends of God, or as his bondservants?
Made and Begotten
What does it mean that Jesus was begotten, but not created?
God has a merciful heart. Do we? Consider Abraham's interaction with God before the destruction of Sodom.
My Ever Changing Political Views
How various incidents over time have impacted my political views, and my view of God's sovereignty.
Not Being Offended in God
How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist's questions after John was imprisoned?
Notes on Proverbs 1-4
Detailed notes on the first four chapters of Proverbs.
Notes on Romans
Notes from the Book of Romans, as prepared for a home Bible study.
Prosperity Part 1: OT Word Study
The first in a 4-part series on prosperity. The series starts with an Old Testament word study.
Prosperity Part 2: NT Word Study, Job's Friends, and the Abrahamic Covenant
What can we learn about prosperity in considering Job, Elijah, the covenant with Abraham and the New Testament?
Prosperity Part 3: The Blessing of Abraham and the Christlike View of Material Wealth
What was the blessing of Abraham, and what does Jesus say about Prosperity? Is financial wealth something we should be seeking?
Prosperity Part 4: New Testament Thoughts
A survey of New Testament teachings on prosperity.
A quick review of the many Hebrew words for "rejoice."
A brief survey of what God's word says about restful sleep.
Some Thoughts on Citizenship
What does the Bible say about the governing authorities? Are they all from God?
Some Thoughts on the End of Things
A non-"pre-tribulation rapture" view of eschatology.
The "I Am" of the Gospel of John
Review the "I AM" statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John.
The "little gods" and Christ as "a god" Deceptions
Comparing the "little gods" heresy with the Jehovah's Witnesses' false teachings about Jesus' non-deity.
The Begotten Relationship Outside of Time
In God's view of time, Jesus already paid the price for our sins before Adam was even formed from the dust of the ground.
The Biology of Our Own Works
What does it mean when the Bible says "all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags"?
The case for: Healing? Not Always.
A discussion on healing in the New Testament, including times when healing is not granted.
The Cross, or a Torturer's Stake? Why it matters.
This article considers the great lengths the governing body of the Jehovah's Witnesses has gone through to hide the truth of the cross-shaped cross.
The Danger of Emptiness/Doing Nothing
The call of the Christian is not to "not sin" but to "do righteousness."
The Gospel and Evangelism
Can we live a "good life" and let that be our witness, or must we share the gospel?
The Lord's Prayer for our Nation
A prayer for the United States based on the Lord's Prayer.
The Power of Acknowledged Weakness (Our Confessions of Faith)
What do we trust in? Our practice of faith or God's sovereignty alone?
The Significance of Grumbling
The importance of not grumbling, for when we do, we grumble against the Lord.
The Vine and the Vinedresser
Jesus is the true Vinedresser. Learn how He takes care of his vines.
Unity, Judging and Our Knowledge in Christ
What does the Bible say about getting along with others? How are we to be as one?
What Happened Between Crucifixion and Resurrection?
A biblical overview of what happened to Jesus between the cross and resurrection.
When the Music Causes You to Move On
Is the source of the music your church sings important?
Who is (or isn't) Wisdom in Proverbs 8
Who was Wisdom in Proverbs 8? How do some faiths misconstrue God's Word in an attempt to make it say something it does not?
Without God, We Cannot; but Without Us, God Will Not
God has called us to pray, at all times and in all circumstances.